Executive Committee

Board Member and CEO
Building Materials
Audit and Secretary General
Strategy and Business Development
Human Capital and Sustainability
Financial Services
Corporate Brand Management and Communications
Legal and Compliance
Board Member and CEO
Cenk Alper received his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Middle East Technical University in 1991. He has a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the same university as well as an MBA from Sabancı University.
Mr. Alper joined the Sabancı Group in 1996 at Beksa, later taking on managing positions in Belgium and the US at Bekaert between 2002 and 2007. In 2007, Mr. Alper returned to Türkiye as the Global Technology Director at Kordsa and completed the establishment of its R&D center and Innovation division. After serving as COO, he led Kordsa’s transformation and secondary public offering as CEO between 2013 and 2017. In 2017, he took on a new role as Sabancı Holding Industry Group President. As of August 2019, Cenk Alper is the CEO and Board Member of Sabancı Holding. In recent years, he has been focusing on sustainable growth, entrepreneurship and technology management.
He is a member of the Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD), the World Economic Forum (WEF), the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), the CNBC ESG Council, WORLD. MINDS and General Assembly of 30% Club Türkiye Campaign.
Building Materials
Burak Orhun graduated from Boğaziçi University Economics Department and received his master’s degree in Finance from George Washington University and MBA degree from University of Pennsylvania – Wharton School of Business.
Burak Orhun started his career at Mercedes Benz Turk as a Financial Analyst, after which he worked in United States at Thomson Corporation/Reuters, CapitalOne Financial and CadenceQuest, Inc, respectively, at various management positions such as Finance Manager, Director of Portfolio Management, Director of Corporate Development and CFO. Before joining Sabancı Group, Burak Orhun, worked at Oyak Group, responsible for all M&A and new investment activities of the Group from 2009 to 2018. He was the General Manager of Oyak Girişim Danışmanlığı A.Ş., while having executive management, board member and chairman roles at chemical and energy companies of the Group, both domestic and global. Mr. Orhun joined Sabancı Group in 2018 as Head of Strategy and Business Development. Burak Orhun is currently The Building Materials Group President of Sabancı Holding. Mr. Orhun also serves as Chairman at Afyon Çimento, Akçansa, Çimsa and Sabancı Building Solutions BV as well as a member of Board at Teknosa, Carrefoursa and SabancıDx.
Cevdet Alemdar received his BS degree from Industrial Engineering department of Boğaziçi University in 1992 and completed his MBA degree in Sabancı University in 2000.
He joined the group in 1993 and has taken various leadership positions, respectively in Beksa, Sakosa, Kordsa, Temsa Is Makinalari and Brisa. After admistering wire investments serving to manufacturing and construction industries in Türkiye, he has taken on general manager roles in Brazil, Thailand and China, and lead marketing and sales functions in technical textiles for Kordsa in South America and Asia Pacific regions.
Returning to Türkiye, he has steered Kordsa’s R&D and innovation processes as VP of Technology and Market Development. Later, he guided Temsa Is Makinalari to transform from a construction equipment company to a heavy machines and truck provider in Türkiye. Next, as CEO he led Brisa, a joint venture of Bridgestone ve Sabancı Holding, an important tire manufacturing venture in the world and leader of Türkiye’s tire and mobility solutions. From April 2020 onwards, he is Sabancı Holding Industrials SBU President. He is also the Chairman of the Board of Kordsa, Brisa, Temsa Skoda Transportation and Temsa Motorlu Araçlar.
He is TÜSİAD’s board member, DEİK / Türkiye - USA Business Council (TAİK) board member and Boğaziçi University alumni.
Eyüp Engin graduated from Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.
Eyüp Engin joined Akbank in 1978 as an Assistant Internal Auditor. Following his auditing assignment, Eyüp Engin served as Department Head in Treasury, International Banking and Overseas Financial Institutions. He was appointed as the Executive Vice President in charge of Corporate Banking in 1996 and after 1998, Mr. Engin continued to serve as Executive Vice President in charge of International Banking and Overseas Financial Institutions Marketing.
Eyüp Engin was appointed to the position of Head of Internal Audit in 2007 and during 2007-2019 he served on Boards of Directors of Bank’s subsidiaries as the President of Audit Committee. Mr. Engin was elected as Executive Board Member in March 2019 and he was elected as Vice Chairman and Executive Board Member in March 2020. Eyüp Engin also serves as Vice Chairman of Türk Telekomünikasyon A.Ş.
Additionally, Eyüp Engin is Banking Unit Group President and Executive Committee Member of Sabancı Holding.
Audit and Secretary General
Fuat Öksüz graduated from Business Administration Department of Boğaziçi University in 1986 and started his career in Andersen İstanbul Office as assistant auditor in the same year. He worked in this company by the end of 2002, became local partner in 1997 and international partner in 2000. He worked as an independent auditor and financial advisor in the first 10 years of his business life. Later on, Fuat Öksüz led the foundation, took leadership of Andersen Business Process Outsourcing practice and further took the leadership of Andersen Business Consulting Practice.
In 2003, he joined Ernst & Young as a Partner and served for one year. In January 2004, Fuat Öksüz joined Sabancı Holding as Head of Audit, also chaired Sabancı Board of Ethics. Mr. Öksüz worked in Enerjisa between 2010 – 2017 taking various responsibilities including; CFO of Enerjisa Generation Company and Enerjisa Trading Company with dual management responsibility with CEO, Enerjisa Group Head of Planning & Controlling, Head of Accounting, Reporting & Tax and Head of Special Projects (restructuring and IPO).
Fuat Öksüz has been serving as Sabancı Holding Head of Audit and Chair of Sabancı Holding Ethics Board since 2018. Further to existing responsibilities, he has also taken the role of Secretary General since July 2022.
Strategy and Business Development
Gökhan Eyigün graduated from Management Engineering Department of İstanbul Technical University with honors degree in 1998. He had his MBA degree from Rotterdam School of Management in 2004; moreover, he attended several executive programs at Harvard Business School.
Mr. Eyigün started his career at Arthur Andersen in 1998 where he was mainly specialized in Corporate Finance Advisory. He, then, took responsibility in the formation of Corporate Finance and M&A Advisory department at PricewaterhouseCoopers in 2004 and led the department afterwards. In 2007, Mr. Eyigün joined Sabancı Group where he contributed to Strategy and Business Development department at various executive roles until 2018. He served as the Secretary General of Sabancı Holding and the General Manager of Exsa, Tursa and AEO companies between 2018 and 2021; and he worked as the Executive Board Member of Temsa Motor Vehicles between 2020 and 2021, in addition. He was appointed as the Group President of Strategy and Business Development at Sabancı Holding in 2021. Mr. Eyigün is also the Vice Chairman of the Board at Afyon Çimento, Çimsa, Exsa and Temsa Motorlu Araçlar. He is a member of Board at Dx Technology Services and Investment BV (SabancıDx BV), SabancıDx, Kordsa and Temsa Skoda Ulaşım Araçları. He is responsible from Sabancı Ventures and Sabancı ARF Almost Ready to Fly at the same time.
Human Capital and Sustainability
Hakan Timur holds a BA degree in Economics from Istanbul University and a Masters degree in Energy and Technology Management from Sabancı University.
Hakan Timur started his professional career in 1997 at Marsa-Kraft Foods International. After that, he held a variety of local and international human capital and development roles in a wide range of sectors including energy, industrials, building materials and food industry at Sabancı Group companies. Since 2018, he has been working as Sabancı Group Human Capital and Sustainability Group President. In 2021, he also started to serve as the Chief DE&I Officer at Sabancı Holding.
In addition to his current role, Mr. Timur is an Executive Committee Member at Sabancı Holding and Chairperson at Teknosa. He is also holding BOD membership and vice chairman roles in various companies i.e SabancıDx, Enerjisa.
He is a Board Member in Private Sector Volunteers Association, Board Members Association and Business Council for Sustainable Development in Türkiye. He undertakes the leadership of Turkish Industry & Business Association’s Employment and Social Security Working Group and is a Commissioner in BCTI of WBCSD. Hakan Timur, who has been serving as Sabancı Holding Human Capital and Sustainability Group President, has left his position as of March 15, 2023.
Financial Services
Haluk Dinçer has a BSE degree in Mechanical Engineering and an MBA, both from the University of Michigan.
After starting his career at General Motors Technical Center in 1985, Mr. Dinçer joined Sabancı Group in August 1995, serving initially as Executive Board Member, and then in December 1995, as Executive Vice Chairman of Temsa. In October 2001, he assumed responsibilities within the Holding company, first as Food Group Vice President, and six months later, as Holding Executive Board Member and Food Group President. He took over as Food and Retail Group President in September 2004, and after organizational restructuring in March 2011, as Retail and Insurance Group President. In June 2016, Mr. Dinçer was named Insurance Group President and later in April 2020, Financial Services Group President. With this role, he currently serves as Chairman of the Board of Aksigorta, Agesa, Exsa, Tursa and Ankara Enternasyonel Otelcilik, as well as Board Member of Brisa.
Haluk Dinçer served as President of TÜSİAD - Turkish Industry and Business Association in 2014-15, and as President of Türkiye-U.S. Business Council (TAİK) in 2008-14. He has been a Board Member of the Global Relations Forum (GRF) since February 2018 and a member of the Geneva Association since June 2019.
Kıvanç Zaimler studied at Istanbul Technical University and Berlin Technical University and held various managerial positions in the private sector in different fields between 1992-2008.
Mr. Zaimler joined Enerjisa in 2008 and held several roles in natural gas trading and as General Manager of distribution and retail companies before serving as the CEO of Enerjisa. In 2018, Mr. Zaimler carried out the IPO of Enerjisa, one of the largest IPOs in that period.
As of July 2018, Mr. Zaimler was appointed as President of the Energy Group at Sabancı Holding. He is the Chairman of the Board of Directors at Enerjisa Enerji and the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors at Enerjisa Üretim. He is also the Chairman of the Board of Sabancı Climate Technologies, which was established in June 2022 to accomplish Sabancı Holding’s investments abroad in the field of energy and climate technologies, and Sabancı Renewables, which was established in the USA.
In addition to his duties in the energy business, Mr. Zaimler has been the Chairman of SabancıDx since 2020; serves as the Chairman of Dx Technology Services and Investment BV (SabancıDx BV), the digital-focused global technology company of Sabancı Holding, established recently in the Netherlands.
Mr. Zaimler is also taking an active role in nongovernmental organizations. He serves as the Vice President of the World Energy Council- Türkiye, Member of the Board of Sabancı University Istanbul International Energy and Climate Center (IICEC), Member of the SHURA Advisory Council and Chairman of the Board of ELDER.
Orhun Köstem received his bachelor’s degree from Middle East Technical University Mechanical Engineering Department in 1991 and his MBA degreed at the same university. He also has a master’s degree in Finance and Corporate Law from Bilgi University.
Mr. Köstem joined Anadolu Group in 1994 and held various management positions until 2008. In 2008, he was appointed as the CFO of Efes Breweries International and in 2009 continued his career as Corporate Finance Coordinator of Anadolu Group. Orhun Köstem pursued his career in Coca-Cola İçecek where he worked from 2010 to 2016 as the CFO and from 2017 to 2018 as the Regional Director responsible for Middle East and Pakistan. Mr. Köstem served as the CFO of Anadolu Efes between 2019 and 2021. Mr. Köstem is the Group CFO of Sabancı Holding since July 1, 2021. He is also the Chairman of Carrefoursa, Vice Chairman of Sabancı Climate Technologies, Supervisory Board Member of Çimsa Sabancı Cement BV and Member of the Board of Directors of Akbank, Kordsa, Enerjisa Enerji and Enerjisa Üretim.
Mr. Köstem is one of the three authors of the book “A Window to Capital Markets: The A to Z of Public Offering and Investor Relations” published in 2009. In 2016, 2019, 2020 and 2021 he was listed among “Türkiye’s Most Influential 50 CFOs”, according to a research conducted by BMI Business School in collaboration with DataExpert. He was awarded as Türkiye’s Best CFO in the Investor Relations Awards organized by Thomson Reuters Extel in 2011 and 2013, while he was also honored with the “Best CFOs” by Sell Side analysts in Consumer Sector in Emerging EMEA by Institutional Investor Magazine and Institutional Investor Research Group in 2020. He was ranked as Best CFO in Industrials Sector in the Emerging EMEA Region by Instutional Investor in 2022 and he was named among C-Suite Series – Fortune CFO 2022 list. He is also a member of CFA Society and CFO Network of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).
Corporate Brand Management and Communications
Pelin Erkıralp graduated from Boğaziçi University Economics Department in 1996 and began her career at Unilever as a Brand Manager.
She managed Hair Care businesses in Unilever Africa, Middle East and Türkiye between 2002- 2006 leading innovation and harmonization across the region. In 2006 Mrs. Erkıralp moved to Citibank as Vice President Marketing managing marketing for retail & commercial banking businesses. After joining Philip Morris Sabancı in 2009 and pursuing several leadership positions in Türkiye, she undertook the management of Marlboro brand globally in Philip Morris International headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland between 2012-2013. Following her return to Türkiye, she was appointed Marketing Director in Philip Morris Sabancı for 4.5 years. Mrs. Erkıralp started to work with LC Waikiki as Assistant General Manager Marketing in 2017, and managed various transformation projects that supported the company’s expansion domestically and abroad. She undertook the position of Chief Marketing Officer in Kızılay Yatırım Holding between 2019-2020, and led marketing function of 8 companies within the holding.
She joined Sabancı Holding as Corporate Brand Management and Communications President in 2020. She is also a member of the board at Carrefoursa and Temsa Motorlu Araçlar.
Legal and Compliance
Şebnem Önder graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Law in 1994.
She started her career in 1994 as Associate at White&Case LLP (Türkiye). Between 1999 and 2000, she continued working at the same position in New York, where the company’s headquarter is located. Then, from 2000 to 2014, she worked as a Partner in the Türkiye unit of the same company. In 2014, she started to work as the Legal Director of British American Tobacco (Türkiye & North Africa). Ms. Önder worked as the European Regional Head of Compliance at British American Tobacco between 2018 and 2022.
Since September 12, 2022 Ms. Önder has been working as Sabancı Holding Legal and Compliance President. She is also a member of the board at Akçansa, Brisa and Carrefoursa.