Message from the Chair
At Sabancı Group, we create lasting value for the world while supporting our pioneering vision with our ‘new economy’ investments.
Dear Shareholders, Stakeholders, Business Partners, and Esteemed Employees,
We were all deeply saddened by the large-scale earthquake disaster with the epicenter of Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye on February 6, 2023. From day one, Sabancı Holding has been working hard to help heal the wounds of our employees, their families, and all those affected across the 11 provinces impacted by the historic disaster. Unfortunately, our Group suffered losses as well. I wish God’s mercy on all the unfortunate victims. I extend my condolences to their bereaved families and relatives, while wishing a speedy recovery to those injured and wounded. It is also my hope that our country recovers quickly from these deep and painful wounds.
In the wake of the pandemic, 2022 was a difficult year. Extraordinary events and developments on a global scale – ranging from the economy to politics, energy to finance – caused uncertainties to increase even further across the world.
In light of these developments, Sabancı Group moved forward on the course laid out by its strategic roadmap which was developed with a long-term perspective. Sustainability remains our guiding principle and how we add value to our stakeholders.
Our Group companies grew even stronger both at home and abroad this year, thanks to actions taken in accordance with the Sabancı Group Purpose and strategic priorities.
With the economic and social impact they create in Türkiye, Sabancı Group companies serve as pioneers and set an example in their respective industries. Even during these difficult times, we have steadfastly adhered to our principle of “Sharing what we have obtained from this land with its people.” This principle has shaped all our activities as a Group for nearly 100 years.
Sabancı Group is nearly as old as the Republic of Türkiye. As a result, we have seen our gains as our country’s gains since the day we were founded. From our start, we believed that the principles and values of the Republic were the greatest driving force of Türkiye’s modernization journey. In line with this approach, Sabancı Group has always taken our home country one step further with all our investments.
With the responsibility under our purpose to “unite Türkiye and the World,” we have taken our vision of “Türkiye’s Sabancı” to the next level by adopting a new, more ambitious vision: “Sabancı of the World.” While carrying their know-how abroad through their international moves, our Group companies are taking major steps to bringing the world’s latest technologies to Türkiye. Sabancı Group opens the door to a world where our shareholders, employees, investors, and all other stakeholders will gain more value...
At Sabancı Group, we create lasting value for the world while supporting our pioneering vision with our ‘new economy’ investments. Thanks to our forward-looking responsible investments in energy and climate technologies, advanced material technologies, and digital technologies, we bolster Sabancı’s long-standing mission of setting an example for Türkiye and the world.
Every step we took in 2022 was focused on economic, environmental, and social impact. Meanwhile, the Group’s sustainability efforts within the scope of its commitment to Net Zero Emissions by 2050 continued to set an example globally. In this sense, three of the nine companies from Türkiye in the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) Global A List were from Sabancı Group. In the MSCI ESG rating, one of the world’s leading ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) benchmarks, Sabancı Group has boosted its score three levels over the last three years. In 2022, the Group reached the coveted A rating.

Every step we took in 2022 was focused on economic, environmental, and social impact.
Goals, strategies, and projects are undoubtedly very important concepts to measure the progress that institutions make. However, these concepts mean nothing without human capital. Without doubt, employees have the biggest contribution in preserving existence of institutions and achievement of their goals. Employees form both the strength and the vision of Sabancı Group. We are happy to mobilize this strength, commitment, and vision not only to move our Group forward, but also to advance social development in Türkiye.
Sabancı Republic Day Campaign – initiated last year in Adana, where our Group was founded – has transformed into Türkiye’s highest attended social responsibility initiative in 2022. 15 thousand Sabancı Volunteers went out into the field with 242 events we held in 48 provinces across Türkiye.
Once again this year, Sabancı Group dedicated all its volunteer work during the year to Türkiye’s Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk on November 10. This is another source of great pride for us. Our Republic Day Campaign is very valuable in terms of contributing to the country’s social development, as well as raising awareness about volunteering in Türkiye.
Currently, the world is undergoing a period of upheaval and transformation. During this time of great change, Sabancı Group determines its strategic direction by focusing again on people and society.
Sabancı Group will record accomplishments of the future with the legacy of the past and the efforts of today.
We are constantly working for a sustainable and equitable world with our ‘new economy’ investments coupled with our strong financial performance.
While managing its portfolio with a dynamic approach, Sabancı Group plans to create additional value with the power of technology and innovation, while making the world a sustainable place to live in the 100th anniversary of our Republic.
I would like to thank all our stakeholders for their ongoing support to Sabancı Group.
Yours sincerely,