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Recent ESG Developments



Reducing environmental impact

  • Reduced energy intensity by 25%, greenhouse gas intensity by 27% and wastewater by 28% in 2021
  • 116% increase in annual renewable energy consumption
  • 43.2 thousand MWh Energy savings
  • 23% Water recycled and reintroduced to the economy
  • 80% Waste recycled and reintroduced to the economy
  • 100% Share of renewable energy in the 565 MW new investment plan
  • 100% Our target to reduce in-office single-use plastic consumption by 2024
  • 2 Number of Group companies (Brisa and Kordsa) are CDP Türkiye Leaders


Being an anchor for a better society

  • 1.2 million+ people reached through inclusion programs in a year
  • ~1 million people involved in projects supported by Sabancı Foundation grant programs
  • TL 453 million Sabancı University’s budget for research projects
  • 2,000+ number of women reached in the several fields of employment
  • 40,000+ number of Sabancı Group employees received online training on gender equality
  • 60,000 +number of volunteers joined Sabancı Republic Day Volunteering Campaign in 11 cities
  • Through Sabancı Foundation: Built 120 + schools & hospitals, supporting 183 NGO projects, 51,000+ scholarships


Aligning governance to international best practices

  • Number of non-family members increased to 56%, women to 44% of BoD
  • Chairperson no longer executive, CEO & management team are fully empowered
  • Differentiates itself with transparency and stellar governance practices both at group and subsidiaries
  • Target to increase the female leaders to 50% by 2030.
  • World Business Council of Sustainable Development and UN Global Compact Member.
  • In an attempt to increase the effectiveness of the Board and to provide a better understanding of internal processes for strategy formulation, the members of the Board of Directors of Sabancı Holding evaluates its overall performance by conducting a self-assessment study for each financial year. In self-assessment study, Board members are expected to respond to a set of questions that are categorized under 7 main pillars that are given below. The results are being reported to the Board and discussed and evaluated by and among the directors in a Board meeting, after which they are used for strategy formulation and implementation across Sabancı Group.
    The 7 main pillars of the questionnaire is as follows:
    • Strategic Oversight
    • Stakeholder Oversight
    • Risk Management and Internal Control
    • Management and Focus of Meetings
    • Structure and Dynamics of the Board
    • Secretarial Services
    • Priorities for Change
SirA Sira