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Message from the Chair

As a company with a rich legacy, we remain dedicated to upholding the Republic of Türkiye’s vision as a modern civilization on a journey launched by the Great Leader Atatürk, guided by reason, science, and knowledge.

Dear Investors, Business Partners and Esteemed Employees,

2023 was a year of significant challenges for the global business landscape.

The recent wave of humanitarian crises and geopolitical conflicts, unbecoming of the 21st century, served as a stark reminder of the world’s yearning for mutual respect and empathy.

The relentless rise of global uncertainties coupled with a search for a new economic order has significantly dimmed the outlook for future economic growth. The world is clearly facing a new rupture.

Navigating crises, once an infrequent aspect of our operations, is now an ever-present reality.

Within this dynamic landscape, cultivating agility and emotional intelligence have become essential competencies.

The February 6th earthquake underscored the critical role of agility and emotional resilience.

Our nation and our Group endured immense hardship and great pain, losing valued colleagues and fellow citizens. We lost 21 colleagues to the disaster and tens of thousands of other Turkish residents.

During this traumatic crisis, the adaptability, emotional strength, and unwavering commitment displayed by our companies and colleagues, particularly at Enerjisa, played a vital role in saving countless lives.

Emerging from the devastation, many colleagues returned to work or volunteered for crucial assistance and relief services. Their selfless dedication in the face of collective trauma serves as a lasting inspiration for all of us.

Once again, I express my deepest gratitude to everyone involved.

Beyond these challenges, the world is undergoing a rapidly accelerating transformation.

This shift necessitates a new approach and a revised business culture for all of us.

Digital technologies and artificial intelligence are pervading every facet of our lives.

Emerging breakthroughs like quantum computing are impacting our businesses, further blurring the boundaries between the physical and digital realms.

These developments are ushering in a new era filled with new opportunities for Sabancı Group.

Undoubtedly, a significantly faster and more uncertain future lies ahead.

To thrive in this new environment, we must redefine success and transform our business practices.

While maintaining our core operations, we must also remain future-focused.

This imperative has driven Sabancı Group’s recent digital transformation efforts.

Our goal is to become a truly future-proof organization in every respect…

2023 marked a significant milestone on this journey.

We further bolstered innovation capabilities within our Group companies via our R&D centers as well as our university.

Additionally, we solidified our digital presence while integrating artificial intelligence across our businesses.

The establishment of our Digital Strategic Business Unit in 2023 exemplifies Sabancı’s forward-looking vision.

Digital and Artificial Intelligence Transformation is a cornerstone of the five strategic priorities on our roadmap for the coming period, meticulously developed by our management team under Mr. Alper’s leadership.

These strategic and structural changes propel us toward our goals: becoming a key player in future technologies and evolving from Sabancı of Türkiye to Sabancı of the World.

Esteemed Stakeholders,

2023 was a year of significant challenges and milestones.

We commemorated the Republic of Türkiye’s founding centennial with immense pride.

Our actions, not just words, embodied the Republic’s values through our projects and activities.

Sabancı Volunteers once again displayed remarkable dedication during the third annual Sabancı Republic Day Campaign in 2023.

We spearheaded innovative projects, with a particular focus on education and development in numerous provinces, including the earthquake-affected region.

I express my deepest gratitude to all Sabancı Volunteers who contributed to this meaningful campaign.

The Republic’s values are intrinsically linked to those of Sabancı.

Founded in 1925, Sabancı embodies the Republic’s spirit of faith and courage.

We remain a trusted entity, known for our integrity, unwavering commitment to keeping our word, and a deep-rooted belief in a brighter future for the people of Türkiye.

These core principles will continue to guide Sabancı in the years to come.

As a company with a rich legacy, we remain dedicated to upholding the Republic’s vision as a modern civilization on a journey launched by the Great Leader Atatürk, guided by reason, science, and knowledge.

We aim to leverage the century-old Republic’s legacy to build a more advanced and enlightened Türkiye.

Sabancı strives to exemplify the values of flexibility, agility, goal-oriented progress, and continuous development.

Our achievements in 2023 serve as a testament to this commitment.

On behalf of Sabancı, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to our employees, business partners, and shareholders for their contributions to our successes in 2023.

Yours sincerely,

Güler Sabancı


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