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On which stock exchanges are Sabancı Holding shares traded and what is the stock ticker?

Listed on Borsa Istanbul, Sabancı Holding’s shares are traded in BIST Star with the stock ticker SAHOL. Sabancı Holding is included in the following BIST Indices: BIST All Shares, BIST Dividend, BIST Financials, BIST Sustainability, BIST 30, BIST Holding ve Investment, BIST 50, BIST Istanbul, BIST 100, BIST Stars.

When was Sabancı Holding listed on the stock exchange?

Sabancı Holding was listed on July 8th, 1997.

How is Sabancı Holding’s shareholder structure and what is the structure of paid-in share capital?

Detailed information could be find on Shareholder Structure.

How can I find Sabancı Holding’s Articles of Association?

Articles of Association could be find on Articles of Association.

What are Sabancı Holding’s strategic targets?

Detailed information could be find in our Strategy Update Presentation.

What are the Sabancı Holding’s main business units?

Detailed information on business units can be find on Business Units and Digital section.

What are Sabancı Holding’s sustainability activities?

Sustainability activities could be find on corporate governance and sustainability section.

What is Sabancı Holding’s dividend policy?

Dividend policy is available at Dividend Policy section.

How can I find Sabancı Holding’s annual reports?

Annual Reports could be find on Annual Report.

How can I find Sabancı Holding’s financial results?

Financial results could be find on Financial Reports and Presentation section.

How can I find Sabancı Holding’s corporate governance practices?

Corporate governance practices could be find on corporate governance and sustainability section.

When does Sabancı Holding announce its financial results?

Announcement dates could be find on Investor Calendar.

When does Sabancı Holding hold its General Assembly?

General Assembly details could be find on General Assembly section.

What is the scope of your share buyback program and what are the latest transactions you have realized?

As stated in our material event disclosure dated 09.11.2021, our BoD decided to initiate a share buyback program with purposes of supporting price performance of SAHOL shares in the equity market, and hence reducing the net asset value discount by bringing SAHOL shares closer to its fair value, and providing shareholders with a more attractive long-term investment opportunity. Program details and transactions are available in public disclosure platform.

SirA Sira