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Shareholder Structure


Breakdown of Shareholders Holding More Than 5% of the Capital and Voting Rights

ShareholderShare in Capital (TL)Ratio in Capital (%)Voting Right Ratio(%)
SERRA SABANCI 147.370.881,7 7,02 7,02
ÇİĞDEM SABANCI BİLEN 143,672,720.64 6.84 6.84
SUZAN SABANCI  143,672,720.64 6.84 6.84
OTHER 1.373.758.513,37 65,4 65,4
TOTAL 2,100,375,969.18 100 100

*Disclaimer Notice; The ratios below are calculated pursuant to the shareholder information recorded by companies to the Central Dematerialized System. MKK does not make any representations, warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the accuracy or completeness of this information.
**The transactions, of which the settlements have not been realized yet, are not taken into account during the calculation of ratios.
***During capital increase, total capital and share amounts are updated according to the using of pre-emptive rights or transfer of bonus issues to investors' accounts. Therefore during capital increase period the table may change everyday.
****As of 02.05.2024

SirA Sira