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Gökhan Eyigün

Gökan Eyigün

Gökhan Eyigün

Strategy and Business Development Group President

Gökhan Eyigün graduated from Management Engineering Department of İstanbul Technical University with honors degree in 1998. He had his MBA degree from Rotterdam School of Management in 2004; moreover, he attended several executive programs at Harvard Business School.

Mr. Eyigün started his career at Arthur Andersen in 1998 where he was mainly specialized in Corporate Finance Advisory. He, then, took responsibility in the formation of Corporate Finance and M&A Advisory department at PricewaterhouseCoopers in 2004 and led the department afterwards. In 2007, Mr. Eyigün joined Sabancı Group where he contributed to Strategy and Business Development department at various executive roles until 2018. He served as the Secretary General of Sabancı Holding and the General Manager of Exsa, Tursa and AEO companies between 2018 and 2021; and he worked as the Executive Board Member of Temsa Motor Vehicles between 2020 and 2021, in addition. He was appointed as the Group President of Strategy and Business Development at Sabancı Holding in 2021. Mr. Eyigün is also the Vice Chairman of the Board at Afyon Çimento, Çimsa, Exsa and Temsa Motorlu Araçlar. He is a member of Board at Dx Technology Services and Investment BV (SabancıDx BV), SabancıDx, Carrefoursa and Temsa Skoda Ulaşım Araçları. He is responsible from Sabancı Ventures and Sabancı ARF Almost Ready to Fly at the same time.

SirA Sira