Hayri Çulhacı
Hayri Çulhacı
Independent Board Member
Having graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences in 1978, Hayri Çulhacı obtained his MBA degree from Northeastern University, USA in 1986.
Between 1979 and 1990, he assumed various audit and management positions at the Ministry of Finance.
Having joined Akbank as Executive Vice President in 1990, Mr. Çulhacı became an Executive Director in 2009 and also served as the Vice President of the Executive Board, Chairman of Audit Committee, Corporate Management Committee and High Level Risk Committee from 2010 on. He was retired in 2020.
Hayri Çulhacı was also a member of the Board of Aksigorta A.Ş. and Avivasa and Chairman of Ak Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş. and Ak Portföy Yönetimi A.Ş. He is still the Vice Chairman and a member of the Board of Trustees of Sabancı Foundation.