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N. Orhun Köstem

Barış Oran

N. Orhun Köstem


Orhun Köstem received his bachelor’s degree from Middle East Technical University Mechanical Engineering Department in 1991 and his MBA degreed at the same university. He also has a master’s degree in Finance and Corporate Law from Bilgi University.

Mr. Köstem joined Anadolu Group in 1994 and held various management positions until 2008. In 2008, he was appointed as the CFO of Efes Breweries International and in 2009 continued his career as Corporate Finance Coordinator of Anadolu Group. Orhun Köstem pursued his career in Coca-Cola İçecek where he worked from 2010 to 2016 as the CFO and from 2017 to 2018 as the Regional Director responsible for Middle East and Pakistan. Mr. Köstem served as the CFO of Anadolu Efes between 2019 and 2021. Mr. Köstem is the Group CFO of Sabancı Holding since July 1, 2021. He is also the Chairman of Carrefoursa, Vice Chairman of Sabancı Climate Technologies, Supervisory Board Member of Çimsa Sabancı Cement BV and Member of the Board of Directors of Akbank, Kordsa, Enerjisa Enerji and Enerjisa Üretim.

Mr. Köstem is one of the three authors of the book “A Window to Capital Markets: The A to Z of Public Offering and Investor Relations” published in 2009. In 2016, 2019, 2020 and 2021 he was listed among “Türkiye’s Most Influential 50 CFOs”, according to a research conducted by BMI Business School in collaboration with DataExpert. He was awarded as Türkiye’s Best CFO in the Investor Relations Awards organized by Thomson Reuters Extel in 2011 and 2013, while he was also honored with the “Best CFOs” by Sell Side analysts in Consumer Sector in Emerging EMEA by Institutional Investor Magazine and Institutional Investor Research Group in 2020. He was ranked as Best CFO in Industrials Sector in the Emerging EMEA Region by Instutional Investor in 2022 and he was named among C-Suite Series – Fortune CFO 2022 list. He is also a member of CFA Society and CFO Network of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

SirA Sira