Changes in Organizational Structure
As a result of a review in the organizational structure in line with our strategic priorities to focus on expanding core businesses and investing in new growth platforms; a decision has been made to restructure the Industrials and the Building Materials strategic business units as the Material Technologies and the Mobility Solutions to further strengthen our focus in material technologies and leadership in mobility solutions. After this change, Mr. Burak Orhun, current Building Materials Group President, will be appointed as the Material Technologies Group President; while Mr. Cevdet Alemdar, current Industrials Group President, will be appointed as the Mobility Solutions Group President, both effective from April 19, 2024. Together with these appointments, Akçansa, Çimsa and Kordsa will continue their operations under the Material Technologies Group while Brisa, Temsa Ulaşım and Temsa Motorlu Araçlar will operate under the Mobility Solutions Group.