Dividend Distribution Proposal to the General Assembly
At the meeting of the Board of Directors dated 25 February 2021,
Pursuant to review of Consolidated Financial Statements for the year 2020 prepared in accordance with the Turkish Financial Reporting Standards, it was resolved to propose the General Assembly to distribute profit as follows from 4.767.573.000.- TL Consolidated Net Profit attributed to equity holders of the parent incurred between 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2020;
- Gross 714.141.375,85 TL dividend in cash (Gross %35, net %29,75) to the shareholders who are representing the 2.040.403.931,00 TL capital,
- Gross 23.851.874,98 TL dividend in cash to H.Ö. Sabancı Foundation,
- To reserve the remaining amount as extraordinary reserves,
- To reserve 44.807.323,59 TL profit as "Special Reserves" in the Statutory Financials prepared in accordance with the Turkish Tax Procedure Law in order to benefit from corporate tax exemption for the profit derived from the 2020 sales of subsidiary in accordance with the Article 5/1-e of the Corporate Tax Law,
and it was resolved to propose the General Assembly to distribute the cash dividend, beginning from 5 April 2021.