Shares Transaction Notification
In our public disclosure statement dated 09.12.2020, it was announced that a resolution has been made to have CarrefourSA Carrefour Sabancı Ticaret Merkezi A.Ş. (CarrefourSA) shares with TRY 2,500,000 nominal value registered by Central Securities Depository for trading, and subsequently to sell these shares to third persons, in full or in part, in the secondary market and/or over-the-counter in order to increase free-float rate of CarrefourSA shares to 5% pursuant to the announcement of Istanbul Stock Exchange dated 17.09.2020.
The registration procedures were completed by Central Securities Depository as of 17.12.2020. On 18.12.2020, a total of 40,000 CarrefourSA shares were sold within a price range of TRY 89.50 - TRY 97.00 per share on Istanbul Stock Exchange by our Company. Following the transaction, our Company's share in CarrefourSA share capital occurred to be as 59.04%.
CarrefourSA shares with TRY 2,446,250 nominal value out of total shares with TRY 2,500,000 nominal value that are contemplated to be sold has been remained in our portfolio as at 18.12.2020.
In case of a discrepancy between the Turkish and English versions of this public disclosure statement, Turkish version shall prevail.