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Sustainability Compliance Reports



Select Year
Description Year Go To Report
A. General Principles
A1. Strategy, Policy and Targets
Principle Compliance Status Explanation
A1.1 Material environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues, risks and opportunities have been determined by the Company’s board of directors. Fully Compliant

https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 37-53, 55 - 67)

https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/2023-annual-report.pdf (pages 126-129)
https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 71 - 72)
ESG Policies (i.e., Environmental Policy, Energy Policy, Human Rights and Labor Policy etc.) have been established and publicly disclosed by the Company’s board of directors.
A1.2 Short and long-term targets which have been defined under the ESG policies are disclosed to the public. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 23-24, 28-30) 
A2 Application/Monitoring
A2.1 The committees and/or departments responsible for the execution of ESG policies and top-level executives in the Company related to ESG issues and their duties have been identified and they are publicly disclosed. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 55 - 61)
The responsible committee / unit reported the activities carried out within the scope of the policies to the Board of Directors at least once a year.
A2.2 In line with ESG targets, implementation and action plans were developed and disclosed to the public. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/2023-annual-report.pdf (pages 136-137)
https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 55 - 61) https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 23-24, 28-30)   
A2.3 ESG Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and the level of achievement of these indicators were disclosed to the public on a yearly basis. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 28-32, 198-204)
A2.4 Activities to improve the sustainability performance of business processes or products and services have been disclosed to the public. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 23-24, 28-32, 74-105, 107-118, 126-130, 133-135, 139-141, 148-151, 159-162, 171-175)
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/2023-annual-report.pdf (pages 66-101)
A3 Reporting
A3.1 In the Company’s annual reports, information regarding sustainability performance, targets and actions should be disclosed in an understandable, accurate and sufficient manner. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 24, 38-53, 198-204)
A3.2 Information on which of the Company’s activities are related to the United Nations (UN) 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been disclosed to the public by the Company. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pade 23)
A3.3 Lawsuits filed and/or concluded against ESG issues, which are important in terms of ESG policies and/or will significantly affect activities, have been disclosed to the public. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (page 239)
A4 Verification
A4.1 The Company’s ESG Key Performance metrics have been verified by an independent third party and publicly disclosed. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf ( pages 198-204, 230-233)
B Environmental Principles
B1 The Company has publicly disclosed its policies and practices, action plans, environmental management systems (known by the ISO 14001 standard) and programs in the field of environmental management. Partially Compliant   It is in some of the group companies. Studies are carried out to ensure full harmonization throughout the Group.
B2 The scope of the report, reporting period, reporting date, and the limitations regarding the reporting conditions were disclosed to the public regarding the environmental reports prepared regarding information on environmental management. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (page 4)
B4 Environmental targets included in the reward criteria within the scope of performance incentive systems on the basis based on (such as members of the Board of Directors, managers, and employees) have been disclosed to the public. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 24, 184-185)
B5 It has been disclosed to the public that the way of material environmental issues integration into business objectives and strategies. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 21, 23, 34-36)
https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/sabanci-holding-cdp-2024.pdf (pages 37-58, 97-108, 110-116)

B7 It has been publicly disclosed how environmental issues are managed and integrated into business objectives and strategies throughout the Company’s value chain; including the operational process, suppliers and customers. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/sabanci-holding-cdp-2024.pdf (pages 121-135)
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/SAHOL-Policy-ENG.pdf (pages 4, 10-16)
https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (page 23)
B8 Whether relevant organizations and non-governmental organizations on the environment are involved in the policy-making processes and the collaborations with these institutions and organizations were disclosed to the public. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/sabanci-holding-cdp-2024.pdf (page 131)
https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 35-36, 196)
B9 Environmental indicators (Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope-1 (Direct), Scope-2 (Energy indirect), Scope-3 (Other indirect), air quality, energy management, water and wastewater management, waste management, biodiversity impacts) information about the impacts of the Company has been disclosed to the public on a comparable basis periodically. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/sabanci-holding-cdp-2024.pdf (page 131)
https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 35-36, 196)
B10 Details of the standard, protocol, methodology, and base year used to collect and calculate data have been publicly disclosed. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 205-229)
https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/sabanci-holding-cdp-2024.pdf (pages 136-168)
B11 In comparison with previous years, the increase or decrease of environmental indicators for the reporting year has been disclosed to the public. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 198-200)
https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/sabanci-holding-cdp-2024.pdf (pages 139-145)
B12 Short and long-term targets have been determined to reduce the Company’s environmental impacts, and the progress of these targets and the targets determined in previous years has been disclosed to the public. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 119-151)
https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/sabanci-holding-cdp-2024.pdf (pages 136-215)
B13 A strategy to combat the climate crisis has been created and the planned actions have been publicly announced. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 119-151)
https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/sabanci-holding-cdp-2024.pdf (pages 97-106)
B14 Programs or procedures have been established and disclosed to the public in order to prevent or minimize the potential negative impact of products and/or services on the environment. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 73-105)
https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/sabanci-holding-cdp-2024.pdf (pages 195-211) https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/SAHOL-Policy-ENG.pdf (page 12)
Actions have been taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of third parties (i.e., suppliers, subcontractors, dealers, etc.) and these actions have been disclosed to the public.
B15 The environmental benefits and cost savings of initiatives and projects aimed at reducing environmental impacts have been disclosed to the public. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 95-97)
https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/sabanci-holding-cdp-2024.pdf (pages 190-191)
B16 Energy consumption (natural gas, diesel, gasoline, LPG, coal, electricity, heating, cooling, etc.) data are publicly disclosed as Scope-1 and Scope-2. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 198-200)
https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/sabanci-holding-cdp-2024.pdf (pages 139-145)
B17 Public disclosure was made about the electricity, heat, steam and cooling produced in the reporting year. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 110-111, 122-130, 198)
B18 Actions on increasing the use of renewable energy and transition to zero or low carbon electricity have been made and publicly announced. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 122-130)
B19 Renewable energy production and consumption data is publicly disclosed. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (page 198)
https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/sabanci-holding-cdp-2024.pdf (pages 164-167)
B20 Energy efficiency projects have been carried out and the amount of energy consumption and emission reduction achieved through energy efficiency projects has been disclosed to the public. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 74-102,110-111, 122-130)
https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/sabanci-holding-cdp-2024.pdf (pages 182-184)
B21 Water consumption, and if any amounts of water drawn, recycled and discharged from underground or above ground, sources and procedures are publicly disclosed. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 131-135, 199)
B22 It has been publicly disclosed whether the Company’s operations or activities are included in any carbon pricing system (Emissions Trading System, Cap & Trade or Carbon Tax). Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (page 198)
B23 Information on carbon credits gained or purchased during the reporting period has been disclosed to the public. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/sabanci-holding-cdp-2024.pdf (pages   117-119)
B24 If carbon pricing is applied within the Company, the details are disclosed to the public. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/sabanci-holding-cdp-2024.pdf (pages   117-119)
B25 The platforms where the Company discloses its environmental information are publicly disclosed. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/2023-annual-report.pdf
C Social Principles
C1 Human Rights and Employees Rights
C1.1 The Corporate Human Rights and Employee Rights Policy has been established in a way to cover the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ILO Conventions ratified by Turkey and other relevant legislation, those responsible for the execution of the policy have been determined and both the policy and responsible departments from the policies have been disclosed to the public. Fully Compliant https://www.sabanci.com/en/management-approach/sabanci-group-code-of-business-ethics
https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (page 191)
C1.2 Considering the effects of supply and value chain; fair workforce, improvement of labor standards, women's employment, and inclusion issues (gender, race, religion, language, marital status, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, gender identity, family responsibilities, union activities, political opinion, disability, social and cultural differences, etc., such as non-discrimination) are included in the Company’s policy on employee rights. Fully Compliant https://www.sabanci.com/en/management-approach/sabanci-group-code-of-business-ethics

https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 188-194)
C1.3 Measures taken along the value chain regarding the observance of certain economic, environmental, social factors (low-income groups, women, etc.) or minority rights/equality of opportunity have been publicly disclosed. Fully Compliant https://www.sabanci.com/en/social-responsibility/our-commitments/womens-empowerment-principles
https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 188-192)
C1.4 Developments regarding preventive and corrective practices against discrimination, inequality, human rights violations, forced and child labor have been disclosed publicly. Fully Compliant https://www.sabanci.com/en/management-approach/sabanci-group-code-of-business-ethics

https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (pages 132-135)

https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 188-192)
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/SAHOL-Policy-ENG.pdf (page 14)
C1.5 Investments in employees (training and development policies), compensation, recognized fringe benefits, unionization right, work/life balance solutions and talent management are included in the employee rights policy. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 180, 181, 186-192)
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/SAHOL-Policy-ENG.pdf (page 14)
https://www.sabanci.com/en/management-approach/sabanci-group-code-of-business-ethics https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 63, 64)
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/SAHOL-Policy-ENG.pdf (page 16) https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (page 182)
Disagreement resolution processes have been determined by establishing mechanisms for employee complaints and resolution of disputes.
Activities conducted within the reported period to ensure employee satisfaction were disclosed publicly.
C1.6 Occupational health and safety policies have been established and disclosed publicly. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 193, 194)
Measures taken to prevent occupational incidents and protect health and incident statistics have been disclosed publicly.
C1.7 Personal data protection and data security policies have been established and disclosed publicly. Fully Compliant https://www.sabanci.com/en/data-protection-law
C1.8 Ethics policy has been established and disclosed publicly. Fully Compliant https://www.sabanci.com/en/management-approach/sabanci-group-code-of-business-ethics
https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 63, 64)
C1.9 The studies related to social investment, social responsibility, finansal inclusivity and access to finance have been explained. Fully Compliant  https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 155-162, 171-175)
C1.10 Informative meetings and training programs have been organized for employees on ESG policies and activities. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (page 180)
C2 Stakeholders, International Standards and Initiatives
C2.1 The customer satisfaction policy regarding the management and resolution of customer complaints has been prepared and disclosed publicly. Irrelevant  This metric is not relevant for Sabanci Holding. Some group companies are publishing.
C2.2 Information about the communication with stakeholders (which stakeholder, subject and frequency) is publicly disclosed. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 35, 196, 197)
C2.3 International reporting standards adopted in reporting are explained Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 4, 5)
C2.4 Principles adopted in relation to sustainability, international organizations, committees and principles of which the Company is a signatory or member are disclosed publicly. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 72, 197)
C2.5 Improvements were made and studies were carried out to be included in the sustainability indices of Borsa Istanbul and/or international indices providers. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 31, 32)
D Corporate Governance Principles
D1 Stakeholders' opinions were consulted in determining the measures and strategies on sustainability. Fully Compliant https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 34, 35, 60)
D2 Social responsibility projects, awareness activities and trainings have been carried out to raise awareness about sustainability and its importance. Fully Compliant https://www.sabanci.com/en/social-responsibility/sabanci-volunteers/what-is-sabanci-volunteers-programme
https://sustainability.sabanci.com/2023/images/pdf/Sabanci-Holding-Sustainability-For-a-Better-Life-2023-Report.pdf (pages 153-162)
Description Year Go To Report
A.General Principles
A1. Strategy, Policy and Targets
A1.1 Material environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues, risks and opportunities have been determined by the Company’s board of directors. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/tr/images/pdf/sabanci-holding-2022-surdurulebilirlik-raporu.pdf (pages 40-57)
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/2022-Digital-Annual-Report/pdf/Sabanci-Annual-Report-2022.pdf (pages 127-130)
ESG Policies (i.e., Environmental Policy, Energy Policy, Human Rights and Labor Policy etc.) have been established and publicly disclosed by the Company’s board of directors.
A1.2 Short and long-term targets which have been defined under the ESG policies are disclosed to the public. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf  (pages 26, 28-30, 135)
A2 Application/Monitoring
A2.1 The committees and/or departments responsible for the execution of ESG policies and top-level executives in the Company related to ESG issues and their duties have been identified and they are publicly disclosed. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf  (pages 40-47)
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (pages 40-47)
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/2022-Digital-Annual-Report/pdf/Sabanci-Annual-Report-2022.pdf (pages 137, 138)
The responsible committee / unit reported the activities carried out within the scope of the policies to the Board of Directors at least once a year.
A2.2 In line with ESG targets, implementation and action plans were developed and disclosed to the public. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (pages 28-30, 135)
A2.3 ESG Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and the level of achievement of these indicators were disclosed to the public on a yearly basis. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf  (pages 28-30)
A2.4 Activities to improve the sustainability performance of business processes or products and services have been disclosed to the public. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (pages 14, 18-21, 28-30, 106-108, 111-118)
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/2022-Digital-Annual-Report/pdf/Sabanci-Annual-Report-2022.pdf (pages 67-105)
A3 Reporting
A3.1 In the Company’s annual reports, information regarding sustainability performance, targets and actions should be disclosed in an understandable, accurate and sufficient manner. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (pages 14, 31-36, 153-155)
A3.2 Information on which of the Company’s activities are related to the United Nations (UN) 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been disclosed to the public by the Company. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (page 24)
A3.3 Lawsuits filed and/or concluded against ESG issues, which are important in terms of ESG policies and/or will significantly affect activities, have been disclosed to the public. Fully Compliant Environmental or social issues are not directly related to the Holding's own activities, and there is no lawsuit filed in this regard in 2023. However, there is no regular information about the lawsuits filed or concluded against Sabancı Holding.
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/sustainability/detail/Environmental-Performance/179/475/0 (please refer to the end of the page.)
A4 Verification
A4.1 The Company’s ESG Key Performance metrics have been verified by an independent third party and publicly disclosed. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (pages 171-173)
B Environmental Principles
B1 The Company has publicly disclosed its policies and practices, action plans, environmental management systems (known by the ISO 14001 standard) and programs in the field of environmental management. Partially Compliant It is in some of the group companies. Studies are carried out to ensure full harmonization throughout the Group.
B2 The scope of the report, reporting period, reporting date, and the limitations regarding the reporting conditions were disclosed to the public regarding the environmental reports prepared regarding information on environmental management. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (page 3)
B4 Environmental targets included in the reward criteria within the scope of performance incentive systems on the basis based on (such as members of the Board of Directors, managers, and employees) have been disclosed to the public. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (pages 14, 128)
B5 It has been disclosed to the public that the way of material environmental issues integration into business objectives and strategies. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (pages 23, 24, 37-40)
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/cdp-climate-change-2023.pdf (pages 16, 19-21)
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sabanci-holding-strategy-presentation-march-2024.pdf (pages 13-15)
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/2022-Digital-Annual-Report/pdf/Sabanci-Annual-Report-2022.pdf (sayfalar 53-56)
B7 It has been publicly disclosed how environmental issues are managed and integrated into business objectives and strategies throughout the Company’s value chain; including the operational process, suppliers and customers. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/cdp-climate-change-2023.pdf (pages 54, 55)
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/SAHOL-Policy-ENG.pdf (pages 4, 10-16)
B8 Whether relevant organizations and non-governmental organizations on the environment are involved in the policy-making processes and the collaborations with these institutions and organizations were disclosed to the public. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/cdp-climate-change-2023.pdf (pages 54, 58)
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (pages 37, 152)
B9 Environmental indicators (Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope-1 (Direct), Scope-2 (Energy indirect), Scope-3 (Other indirect), air quality, energy management, water and wastewater management, waste management, biodiversity impacts) information about the impacts of the Company has been disclosed to the public on a comparable basis periodically. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (page 153)
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/cdp-climate-change-2023.pdf (pages 35-44)
B10 Details of the standard, protocol, methodology, and base year used to collect and calculate data have been publicly disclosed. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (pages 156-173)
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/cdp-climate-change-2023.pdf (pages 35-44)
B11 In comparison with previous years, the increase or decrease of environmental indicators for the reporting year has been disclosed to the public. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (page 153)
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/cdp-climate-change-2023.pdf (pages 39-44)
B12 Short and long-term targets have been determined to reduce the Company’s environmental impacts, and the progress of these targets and the targets determined in previous years has been disclosed to the public. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/cdp-climate-change-2022.pdf (pages 20-24)

https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/SAHOL21-Sur-ENG-Final-220822.pdf (pages 29-31)
B13 A strategy to combat the climate crisis has been created and the planned actions have been publicly announced. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (pages 6-9, 23, 31-36, 61-83)
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/cdp-climate-change-2023.pdf (pages 17-19)
B14 Programs or procedures have been established and disclosed to the public in order to prevent or minimize the potential negative impact of products and/or services on the environment. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (pages 106-108)
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/SAHOL-Policy-ENG.pdf (page 12)
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/cdp-climate-change-2023.pdf (pages 33-34)
Actions have been taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of third parties (i.e., suppliers, subcontractors, dealers, etc.) and these actions have been disclosed to the public.
B15 The environmental benefits and cost savings of initiatives and projects aimed at reducing environmental impacts have been disclosed to the public. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (pages 106, 107, 153)
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/cdp-climate-change-2023.pdf (page 33)
B16 Energy consumption (natural gas, diesel, gasoline, LPG, coal, electricity, heating, cooling, etc.) data are publicly disclosed as Scope-1 and Scope-2. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (page 153)
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/cdp-climate-change-2023.pdf (pages 39-44)
B17 Public disclosure was made about the electricity, heat, steam and cooling produced in the reporting year. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/cdp-climate-change-2023.pdf (pages 47-49)
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (page 153)
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/cdp-climate-change-2022.pdf (pages 56-61)
B18 Actions on increasing the use of renewable energy and transition to zero or low carbon electricity have been made and publicly announced. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (pages 18, 19, 65, 112, 113)
B19 Renewable energy production and consumption data is publicly disclosed. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/cdp-climate-change-2023.pdf (page 48)
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (page 153)
B20 Energy efficiency projects have been carried out and the amount of energy consumption and emission reduction achieved through energy efficiency projects has been disclosed to the public. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (page 14, 18, 19, 63,68, 112, 113, 153)
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/cdp-climate-change-2023.pdf (pages 30, 31, 48)
B21 Water consumption, and if any amounts of water drawn, recycled and discharged from underground or above ground, sources and procedures are publicly disclosed. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (page 153)
B22 It has been publicly disclosed whether the Company’s operations or activities are included in any carbon pricing system (Emissions Trading System, Cap & Trade or Carbon Tax). Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/cdp-climate-change-2023.pdf (page 51-53)
B23 Information on carbon credits gained or purchased during the reporting period has been disclosed to the public. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/cdp-climate-change-2023.pdf (page 51-53)
B24 If carbon pricing is applied within the Company, the details are disclosed to the public. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/cdp-climate-change-2023.pdf (page 51-53)
B25 The platforms where the Company discloses its environmental information are publicly disclosed. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf
C Social Principles
C1 Human Rights and Employees Rights
C1.1 The Corporate Human Rights and Employee Rights Policy has been established in a way to cover the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ILO Conventions ratified by Turkey and other relevant legislation, those responsible for the execution of the policy have been determined and both the policy and responsible departments from the policies have been disclosed to the public. Fully Compliant https://www.sabanci.com/en/management-approach/sabanci-group-code-of-business-ethics
https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (page 132)

C1.2 Considering the effects of supply and value chain; fair workforce, improvement of labor standards, women's employment, and inclusion issues (gender, race, religion, language, marital status, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, gender identity, family responsibilities, union activities, political opinion, disability, social and cultural differences, etc., such as non-discrimination) are included in the Company’s policy on employee rights. Fully Compliant https://www.sabanci.com/en/management-approach/sabanci-group-code-of-business-ethics

https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (pages 132-135)

https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/2022-Digital-Annual-Report/pdf/Sabanci-Annual-Report-2022.pdf  (page 52)

C1.3 Measures taken along the value chain regarding the observance of certain economic, environmental, social factors (low-income groups, women, etc.) or minority rights/equality of opportunity have been publicly disclosed. Fully Compliant https://www.sabanci.com/en/social-responsibility/our-commitments/womens-empowerment-principles

https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/2022-Digital-Annual-Report/pdf/Sabanci-Annual-Report-2022.pdf (page 52)

https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (pages 129-131)
C1.4 Developments regarding preventive and corrective practices against discrimination, inequality, human rights violations, forced and child labor have been disclosed publicly. Fully Compliant https://www.sabanci.com/en/management-approach/sabanci-group-code-of-business-ethics

https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (pages 132-135)



https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/SAHOL-Policy-ENG.pdf (page 14)
C1.5 Investments in employees (training and development policies), compensation, recognized fringe benefits, unionization right, work/life balance solutions and talent management are included in the employee rights policy. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (pages 134, 128-130, 154)

https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf(page 150)

https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/SAHOL-Policy-ENG.pdf (page 16)

https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/SAHOL-Policy-ENG.pdf (page 14)

https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (page 135)
Disagreement resolution processes have been determined by establishing mechanisms for employee complaints and resolution of disputes.
Activities conducted within the reported period to ensure employee satisfaction were disclosed publicly.
C1.6 Occupational health and safety policies have been established and disclosed publicly. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (pages 136, 137)

https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (page 155)
Measures taken to prevent occupational incidents and protect health and incident statistics have been disclosed publicly.
C1.7 Personal data protection and data security policies have been established and disclosed publicly. Fully Compliant https://www.sabanci.com/en/data-protection-law

C1.8 Ethics policy has been established and disclosed publicly. Fully Compliant https://www.sabanci.com/en/management-approach/sabanci-group-code-of-business-ethics

https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/SAHOL21-Sur-ENG-Final-220822.pdf (pages 113, 114)
C1.9 The studies related to social investment, social responsibility, finansal inclusivity and access to finance have been explained. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (pages 85-89)
C1.10 Informative meetings and training programs have been organized for employees on ESG policies and activities. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (page129)
C2 Stakeholders, International Standards and Initiatives
C2.1 The customer satisfaction policy regarding the management and resolution of customer complaints has been prepared and disclosed publicly. Irrelevant This metric is not relevant for Sabanci Holding. Some group companies are publishing.
C2.2 Information about the communication with stakeholders (which stakeholder, subject and frequency) is publicly disclosed. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (pages 37, 151)
C2.3 International reporting standards adopted in reporting are explained Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (page 3)
C2.4 Principles adopted in relation to sustainability, international organizations, committees and principles of which the Company is a signatory or member are disclosed publicly. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (pages 3, 152)


C2.5 Improvements were made and studies were carried out to be included in the sustainability indices of Borsa Istanbul and/or international indices providers. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sabanci-holding-strategy-presentation-march-2024.pdf (page 14)

https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (page 15)

D Corporate Governance Principles
D1 Stakeholders' opinions were consulted in determining the measures and strategies on sustainability. Fully Compliant https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (pages 37, 38, 46)

https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/2022-Digital-Annual-Report/pdf/Sabanci-Annual-Report-2022.pdf (pages 131-140)
D2 Social responsibility projects, awareness activities and trainings have been carried out to raise awareness about sustainability and its importance. Fully Compliant https://www.sabanci.com/en/social-responsibility/sabanci-volunteers/what-is-sabanci-volunteers-programme

https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/en/images/pdf/sustainabilityreport2022.pdf (pages 90-96)

https://yatirimciiliskileri.sabanci.com/2022-Digital-Annual-Report/pdf/Sabanci-Annual-Report-2022.pdf (pages 58-61)
Description Year Go To Report
PrincipleCompliance StatusExplanation
A1. Strategy, Policy and Targets    
A1.1 Material environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues, risks and opportunities have been determined by the Company’s board of directors. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 32-36, 106-107, 109-111)
Sabancı Holding Investor Presentation Group Strategy January 2023 (pages 23-32)
Sabancı Holding Annual Report 2021 (pages 126-129)
ESG Policies (i.e., Environmental Policy, Energy Policy, Human Rights and Labor Policy etc.) have been established and publicly disclosed by the Company’s board of directors.
A1.2 Short and long-term targets which have been defined under the ESG policies are disclosed to the public. Yes Sabancı Holding Annual Report 2021 (page 52)
Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 29-31, 91)
A2. Application/Monitoring    
A2.1 The committees and/or departments responsible for the execution of ESG policies and top-level executives in the Company related to ESG issues and their duties have been identified and they are publicly disclosed. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 32-36, 102-107)
Sabancı Holding Annual Report 2021 (pages 53-55)
Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 32-36)
Sabancı Holding Annual Report 2021 (pages 53-55)
The responsible committee / unit reported the activities carried out within the scope of the policies to the Board of Directors at least once a year.
A2.2 In line with ESG targets, implementation and action plans were developed and disclosed to the public. Yes Sabancı Holding Annual Report 2021 (pages 52, 53)
Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 29-31, 91)
A2.3 ESG Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and the level of achievement of these indicators were disclosed to the public on a yearly basis. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 29-31)
A2.4 Activities to improve the sustainability performance of business processes or products and services have been disclosed to the public. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 18, 19, 31, 39-48, 70, 71, 73)
Sabancı Holding Annual Report 2021 (pages 60-102)
A3. Reporting    
A3.1 In the Company’s annual reports, information regarding sustainability performance, targets and actions should be disclosed in an understandable, accurate and sufficient manner. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 18,19, 20-31, 118-120)
A3.2 Information on which of the Company’s activities are related to the United Nations (UN) 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been disclosed to the public by the Company. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 37, 55, 66, 76)
Sabancı Holding Annual Report 2021 (page 52)
A3.3 Lawsuits filed and/or concluded against ESG issues, which are important in terms of ESG policies and/or will significantly affect activities, have been disclosed to the public. Yes Environmental-Performance (please refer to the end of the page.)
Environmental or social issues are not directly related to the Holding's own activities, and there is no lawsuit filed in this regard in 2022.
However, there is no regular information about the lawsuits filed or concluded against Sabancı Holding.
A4 Verification    
A4.1 The Company’s ESG Key Performance metrics have been verified by an independent third party and publicly disclosed. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 141-143)
B. Environmental Principles    
B1 The Company has publicly disclosed its policies and practices, action plans, environmental management systems (known by the ISO 14001 standard) and programs in the field of environmental management. Partial Compliance It is in some of the group companies. Studies are carried out to ensure full harmonization throughout the Group.
B2 The scope of the report, reporting period, reporting date, and the limitations regarding the reporting conditions were disclosed to the public regarding the environmental reports prepared regarding information on environmental management. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (page 2)
B3 Given in A2.1. Yes  
B4 Environmental targets included in the reward criteria within the scope of performance incentive systems on the basis based on (such as members of the Board of Directors, managers, and employees) have been disclosed to the public. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 18, 88)
B5 It has been disclosed to the public that the way of material environmental issues integration into business objectives and strategies. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 13, 26-31)
Sabancı Holding Annual Report 2021 (pages 48-52)
Climate Change 2022 (pages 19, 20, 21-23)
Sabancı Holding Investor Presentation Group Strategy January 2023 (pages 23-33)
B6 Given in A2.4. Yes  
B7 It has been publicly disclosed how environmental issues are managed and integrated into business objectives and strategies throughout the Company’s value chain; including the operational process, suppliers and customers. Yes Climate Change 2022 (pages 68, 69)
Sabancı Group Responsible Investment Policy (pages 4, 10-16)
B8 Whether relevant organizations and non-governmental organizations on the environment are involved in the policy-making processes and the collaborations with these institutions and organizations were disclosed to the public. Kısmi Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 27, 28, 99, 102-104, 117)
Sabancı Holding Annual Report 2021 (pages 26-29, 48, 49)
Climate Change 2022 (pages 68, 69, 73)
B9 Environmental indicators (Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope-1 (Direct), Scope-2 (Energy indirect), Scope-3 (Other indirect), air quality, energy management, water and wastewater management, waste management, biodiversity impacts) information about the impacts of the Company has been disclosed to the public on a comparable basis periodically. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 118-120)
Climate Change 2022 (pages 43-56)
B10 Details of the standard, protocol, methodology, and base year used to collect and calculate data have been publicly disclosed. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 121-140)
Climate Change 2022 (pages 43-54)
B11 In comparison with previous years, the increase or decrease of environmental indicators for the reporting year has been disclosed to the public. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 4-6, 13, 20-31, 38-55)
Climate Change 2022 (pages 48-54)
B12 Short and long-term targets have been determined to reduce the Company’s environmental impacts, and the progress of these targets and the targets determined in previous years has been disclosed to the public. Yes Climate Change 2022 (pages 20-24)
Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 29-31)
B13 A strategy to combat the climate crisis has been created and the planned actions have been publicly announced. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 4-6, 13, 20-31, 38-55)
Climate Change 2022 (pages 19-22)
Sabancı Holding Annual Report 2021 (pages 48-52)
B14 Programs or procedures have been established and disclosed to the public in order to prevent or minimize the potential negative impact of products and/or services on the environment. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 67-72)
Climate Change 2022 (pages 41-43)
Sabancı Group Responsible Investment Policy (page 12)
Actions have been taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of third parties (i.e., suppliers, subcontractors, dealers, etc.) and these actions have been disclosed to the public.
B15 The environmental benefits and cost savings of initiatives and projects aimed at reducing environmental impacts have been disclosed to the public. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 69, 73, 118)
Climate Change 2022 (pages 41-43)
B16 Energy consumption (natural gas, diesel, gasoline, LPG, coal, electricity, heating, cooling, etc.) data are publicly disclosed as Scope-1 and Scope-2. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 118-120)
Climate Change 2022 (pages 43-56)
B17 Public disclosure was made about the electricity, heat, steam and cooling produced in the reporting year. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 118-120)
Climate Change 2022 (pages 56-61)
B18 Actions on increasing the use of renewable energy and transition to zero or low carbon electricity have been made and publicly announced. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 18, 19, 38, 42, 118)
Climate Change 2022 (pages 35-37, 57)
B19 Renewable energy production and consumption data is publicly disclosed. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (page 118)
Climate Change 2022 (page 57)
B20 Energy efficiency projects have been carried out and the amount of energy consumption and emission reduction achieved through energy efficiency projects has been disclosed to the public. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 18, 19, 38, 42, 118)
Climate Change 2022 (pages 35-37, 57)
B21 Water consumption, and if any amounts of water drawn, recycled and discharged from underground or above ground, sources and procedures are publicly disclosed. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (page 118)
B22 It has been publicly disclosed whether the Company’s operations or activities are included in any carbon pricing system (Emissions Trading System, Cap & Trade or Carbon Tax). Yes Climate Change 2022 (pages 63-65)
B23 Information on carbon credits gained or purchased during the reporting period has been disclosed to the public. Yes Climate Change 2022 (pages 64, 65)
B24 If carbon pricing is applied within the Company, the details are disclosed to the public. Yes Climate Change 2022 (pages 64, 65)
B25 The platforms where the Company discloses its environmental information are publicly disclosed. Yes Corporate-Governance-and-Sustainability
Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report
Sabancı Holding Annual Report 2021
Climate Change 2022
Water Security 2022
C. Social Principles    
C1. Human Rights and Employees Rights    
C1.1 The Corporate Human Rights and Employee Rights Policy has been established in a way to cover the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ILO Conventions ratified by Turkey and other relevant legislation, those responsible for the execution of the policy have been determined and both the policy and responsible departments from the policies have been disclosed to the public. Yes sabanci-group-code-of-business-ethics
Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (page 90)
C1.2 Considering the effects of supply and value chain; fair workforce, improvement of labor standards, women's employment, and inclusion issues (gender, race, religion, language, marital status, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, gender identity, family responsibilities, union activities, political opinion, disability, social and cultural differences, etc., such as non-discrimination) are included in the Company’s policy on employee rights. Yes sabanci-group-code-of-business-ethics
Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 90-93)
Sabancı Holding Annual Report 2021 (page 43)
C1.3 Measures taken along the value chain regarding the observance of certain economic, environmental, social factors (low-income groups, women, etc.) or minority rights/equality of opportunity have been publicly disclosed. Yes womens-empowerment-principles
Sabancı Holding Annual Report 2021 (pages 43, 47)
Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 80-83, 90-93)
C1.4 Developments regarding preventive and corrective practices against discrimination, inequality, human rights violations, forced and child labor have been disclosed publicly. Yes sabanci-group-code-of-business-ethics
Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 90-93)
Sabancı Holding Annual Report 2021 (pages 126, 127)
Sabancı Group Responsible Investment Policy (page 14)
C1.5 Investments in employees (training and development policies), compensation, recognized fringe benefits, unionization right, work/life balance solutions and talent management are included in the employee rights policy. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 80-89, 113, 114)
Sabancı Holding Annual Report 2021 (pages 126, 127)
Sabancı Group Responsible Investment Policy (page 14)
Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 113, 114)
Sabancı Group Responsible Investment Policy (page 16)
Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 80-89, 113, 114)
Sabancı Holding Annual Report 2021 (pages 126, 127)
Disagreement resolution processes have been determined by establishing mechanisms for employee complaints and resolution of disputes.
Activities conducted within the reported period to ensure employee satisfaction were disclosed publicly.
C1.6 Occupational health and safety policies have been established and disclosed publicly. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 94, 95, 120)
Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (page 120)
Measures taken to prevent occupational incidents and protect health and incident statistics have been disclosed publicly.
C1.7 Personal data protection and data security policies have been established and disclosed publicly. Yes data-protection-law
C1.8 Ethics policy has been established and disclosed publicly. Yes sabanci-group-code-of-business-ethics
Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 113, 114)
C1.10 Informative meetings and training programs have been organized for employees on ESG policies and activities. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (page 83)
C2. Stakeholders, International Standards and Initiatives    
C2.1 The customer satisfaction policy regarding the management and resolution of customer complaints has been prepared and disclosed publicly. Not relevant This metric is not relevant for Sabanci Holding. Some group companies are publishing.
C2.2 Information about the communication with stakeholders (which stakeholder, subject and frequency) is publicly disclosed. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 14, 26, 28)
C2.3 International reporting standards adopted in reporting are explained   Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (page 2)
C2.4 Principles adopted in relation to sustainability, international organizations, committees and principles of which the Company is a signatory or member are disclosed publicly. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 2, 117)
C2.5 Improvements were made and studies were carried out to be included in the sustainability indices of Borsa Istanbul and/or international indices providers. Yes Sabancı Holding Investor Presentation Group Strategy January 2023 (page 13)
Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (page 26, 67)
Sabancı Holding Annual Report 2021 (page 10)
D. Corporate Governance Principles    
D1 Stakeholders' opinions were consulted in determining the measures and strategies on sustainability. Yes Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 26, 28, 35)
2021-Digital-Annual-Report/pdf/en/Sabancı Holding Annual Report 2021 (pages 130-139)
D2 Social responsibility projects, awareness activities and trainings have been carried out to raise awareness about sustainability and its importance. Yes what-is-sabanci-volunteers-programme
Sabancı Holding 2021 Sustainability Report (pages 56-62)
Sabancı Holding Annual Report 2021 (pages 56-59)
Description Year Go To Report
Principles Compliance Status Explanation
A1. Strategy, Policy and Targets    
1 The Board of Directors determines material ESG issues, risks and opportunities and creates ESG policies accordingly. In terms of the effective implementation of these policies; internal directives, business procedures of Companies etc. can be prepared. The Board of Directors takes decisions for these policies and they are publicly disclosed. Yes  
2 It determines the Company Strategy in line with the ESG policies, risks and opportunities. It determines the short and long term goals in line with the Company strategy and ESG policies and makes them public. Yes  
A2. Implementation/Monitoring    
3 It determines the committees / units responsible for the execution of ESG policies and makes them public. The responsible committee / unit reports the activities carried out within the scope of the policies to the Board of Directors at least once a year and in any case within the maximum periods determined for the public disclosure of the annual activity reports in the relevant regulations of the Board. Yes  
4 It creates and publicly discloses implementation and action plans in line with the short and long term goals determined. Yes  
5 Determines Key ESG Performance Indicators (KPIs) and explains them on a yearly basis. In the presence of verifiable data, it presents KPIs with local and international sector comparisons. Yes  
6 Explains the innovation activities that improve the sustainability performance for business processes or products and services. Yes  
A3. Reporting    
7 It reports its sustainability performance, goals and actions at least once a year and makes it public. Explains the information on sustainability activities within the scope of the annual report. Yes  
8 It is essential to share information, which is important for stakeholders in understanding the position, performance and development of the Company, in a direct and concise manner. It can also explain detailed information and data on the corporate website, and prepare separate reports that directly meet the needs of different stakeholders. Yes  
9 It takes maximum care in terms of transparency and reliability. It objectively explains all kinds of developments about material issues in disclosures and reporting within the scope of the balanced approach. Yes  
10 It gives information about which of the United Nations (UN) 2030 Sustainable Development Goals its activities are related to. Yes  
11 Makes an explanation regarding the lawsuits filed and / or concluded against environmental, social and corporate governance issues. Partial Environmental or social issues are not directly relevant for the Holding's own activities, and there is no lawsuit filed in 2021 on this matter. However, no regular sharing is made for the lawsuits filed or concluded against Sabancı Holding.
A4. Verification    
12 If verified by independent third parties (independent sustainability assurance providers), it discloses its sustainability performance measurements to the public and endeavors to increase such verification processes. Yes The selected sustainability performance metrics on Sabancı Holding 2020 Sustainability Report have been verified by independent third party in accordance with international standards.
13 Explains policies and practices, action plans, environmental management systems (known by the ISO 14001 standard) and programs in the field of environmental management.  Partial Some of the Group companies are in compliance. Studies are carried out to ensure full harmonization throughout the Group.
14 Complies with environmental laws and other relevant regulations and explains them.  Yes  
15 It explains the limitations of the environmental report to be included in the report to be prepared within the scope of the Sustainability Principles, reporting period, reporting date, data collection process and reporting conditions.  Yes  
16 Describes the highest responsible person, relevant committees and responsibilities in the Company on the issues of environment and climate change.  Yes  
17 Describes the incentives it offers for the management of environmental issues, including the achievement of objectives.  Yes  
18 Explain how environmental problems are integrated into business goals and strategies.  Yes  
19 It explains the sustainability performance of business processes or products and services and the activities to improve this performance.  Yes  
20 It explains how it manages environmental issues along the Company’s value chain and integrates suppliers and customers into its strategies, not just in terms of direct operations.  Partial Some of the Group companies are in compliance. Studies are carried out to ensure full harmonization throughout the Group.
21 Whether it is involved in policymaking processes on environmental issues (sectoral, regional, national and international); It explains the cooperation it has made with the associations, related organizations and nongovernmental organizations it is a member of on the subject of environment, and the duties it has taken, if any, and the activities it supports.  Yes  
22 Reports information on its impacs in a periodically comparable manner within the scope of environmental indicators (Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope-1 (Direct), Scope-2 (Energy indirect), Scope3 (Other indirect)), air quality, energy management, water and wastewater management, waste management, biodiversity impacts)   Yes Some of the indicators (e.g. NOx) are irrelevant for some Holding and Group companies. Disclosures are made on other relevant matters.
23 It describes the standard, protocol, methodology and base year details used to collect and calculate its data. Yes  
24 Describes the status of environmental indicators for the reporting year (increase or decrease) in comparison with previous years.  Yes  
25 Sets short and long-term goals to reduce their environmental impact and explains these goals. It is recommended that these goals be determined based on Science as suggested by the United Nations Conference of the Parties on Climate Change. If there is progress in the reporting year according to the targets set before, it provides information on the subject.  Yes Sabancı Holding explains on its goals in environmental issues but has not yet used Science Based Targets as a common method across the Group.
26 Explain the strategy and actions to combat the climate crisis.  Yes  
27 Describes the program or procedures to prevent or minimize the potential negative impact of the products and / or services it offers; explains the actions of third parties to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  Yes  
28 It explains the actions taken to reduce its environmental impacts, the total number of projects and initiatives carried out, and the environmental benefits / revenues and cost savings they provide.  Yes  
29 It reports the total energy consumption data (excluding raw materials) and explains the energy consumption as Scope-1 and Scope-2.  Yes  
30 Provides information on electricity, heat, steam and cooling generated and consumed in the reporting year. Yes  
31 It conducts studies on increasing the use of renewable energy, transition to zero or low carbon electricity and explains these studies.  Yes  
32 Explain the renewable energy production and usage data. Yes  
33 It makes energy efficiency projects and explains the amount of energy consumption and emission reduction thanks to these studies.  Yes  
34 It reports the amount of water withdrawn, used, recycled and discharged from underground or above ground, its sources and procedures (Total water withdrawal by source, water resources affected by water withdrawal; percentage and total volume of recycled and reused water, etc.).  Yes  
35 It explains whether operations or activities are included in any carbon pricing system (Emission Trading System, Cap & Trade or Carbon Tax).  Yes  
36 Describes the carbon credit information accumulated or purchased during the reporting period.  Yes  
37 Explains the details if carbon pricing is applied within the Company.  Yes  
38 It explains all mandatory and voluntary platforms where it discloses environmental information.  Yes  
C1. Human Rights and Employee Rights    
39 Forms a Human Rights and Employee Rights Policy with a commitment to fully comply with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ILO Conventions which Türkiye has confirmed and the legal framework and regulations governing the operation of corporate life in Türkiye. Discloses the policy in question and the roles and responsibilities associated with its implementation.  Yes  
40 Provides equal opportunity in recruitment processes. Considering the supply and value chain effects, it includes fair labor, improvement of labor standards, women's employment and inclusion issues (such as women, men, religious belief, language, race, ethnic origin, age, disability, refugee, etc.) in its policies.  Yes  
41 Describes the measures taken along the value chain for the protection of groups sensitive to certain economic, environmental, social factors (low-income groups, women, etc.) or minority rights / equality of opportunity.  Yes  
42 It reports developments regarding discrimination, inequality, human rights violations, forced labor, and corrective practices. Explains the regulations against child labor. Yes  
43 Explains policies regarding investment in employees (training, development policies), compensation, vested benefits, right to unionize, work / life balance solutions and talent management. Determines dispute resolution processes by creating mechanisms for employee complaints and dispute resolution. It regularly explains the activities carried out to ensure employee satisfaction. Yes  
44 It creates occupational health and safety policies and makes them public. Explains the precautions and accident statistics taken to prevent work accidents and health.  Yes  
45 It creates and publicly discloses personal data protection and data security policies.  Yes  
46 It creates an ethical policy (including work, work ethics, compliance processes, advertising and marketing ethics, open information, etc.) and discloses it to the public.  Yes  
47 Explains the work within the scope of social investment, social responsibility, financial inclusion and access to finance.  Yes  
48 Organizes information meetings and training programs for employees on ESG policies and practices.  Yes  
C2. Stakeholders, International Standards and Initiatives    
49 It carries out its activities in the field of sustainability by taking into account the needs and priorities of all stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers and service providers, public institutions, shareholders, society and non-governmental organizations, etc.).  Yes  
50 It regulates and publicly discloses a customer satisfaction policy regarding the management and resolution of customer complaints.  Yes It is not relevant for the Holding. It is published for the relevant companies within the Group.
51 Conducts stakeholder communication continuously and transparently; It explains which stakeholders, for what purpose, on what issue and how often it communicated, and the developments in sustainability activities.  Yes  
52 It publicly discloses the international reporting standards it has adopted (Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), ClimateRelated Financial Disclosures Task Force (TCFD), etc.).  Yes  
53 Discloses the international organizations or principles (Equator Principles, United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative (UNEP-FI), United Nations Global Principles (UNGC), United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) etc.) which it is a signatory or member of, and international principles adopted (International Capital Market Association (ICMA) Green / Sustainable Bond Principles).  Yes  
54 It makes concrete efforts to be included in Borsa Istanbul Sustainability Index and international sustainability indices (Dow Jones Sustainability Index, FTSE4Good, MSCI ESG Indices, etc.).  Yes  
55 It makes maximum effort to comply with all Corporate Governance principles as well as the mandatory Corporate Governance principles within the scope of the Capital Markets Board Corporate Governance Communiqué numbered II-17.1.  Yes  
56 It takes into account the sustainability issue, the environmental impacts of its activities and the principles in this regard while determining its corporate management strategy.  Yes  
57 As stated in the Corporate Governance Principles, it takes the necessary measures to comply with the principles regarding the stakeholders and to strengthen the communication with the stakeholders. It applies to the opinions of stakeholders in determining the measures and strategies in the field of sustainability.  Yes  
58 It works on raising awareness on the issue of sustainability and its importance through social responsibility projects, awareness activities and trainings.  Yes  
59 It strives to become a member of international standards and initiatives on sustainability and to contribute to studies. Yes  
60 Explains policies and programs for the fight against bribery and corruption and the principle of tax integrity.  Yes  
Description Year Go To Report
PrinciplesCompliance StatusExplanation
A1. Strategy, Policy and Targets    
1 The Board of Directors determines material ESG issues, risks and opportunities and creates ESG policies accordingly. In terms of the effective implementation of these policies; internal directives, business procedures of Companies etc. can be prepared. The Board of Directors takes decisions for these policies and they are publicly disclosed. Partially Compliant Some of the policies published in the field of ESG have not yet been approved at the Board level.
2 Determines the Company Strategy in line with the ESG policies, risks and opportunities. It determines the short and long term goals in line with the Company strategy and ESG policies and makes them public. Fully Compliant  
A2. Implementation/Monitoring    
3 Determines the committees / units responsible for the execution of ESG policies and makes them public. The responsible committee / unit reports the activities carried out within the scope of the policies to the Board of Directors at least once a year and in any case within the maximum periods determined for the public disclosure of the annual activity reports in the relevant regulations of the Board. Fully Compliant  
4 Creates and publicly discloses implementation and action plans in line with the short and long term goals determined. Fully Compliant  
5 Determines Key ESG Performance Indicators (KPIs) and explains them on a yearly basis. In the presence of verifiable data, it presents KPIs with local and international sector comparisons. Fully Compliant  
6 Explains the innovation activities that improve the sustainability performance for business processes or products and services. Fully Compliant  
A3. Reporting    
7 Reports its sustainability performance, goals and actions at least once a year and makes it public. Explains the information on sustainability activities within the scope of the annual report. Fully Compliant  
8 It is essential to share information, which is important for stakeholders in understanding the position, performance and development of the Company, in a direct and concise manner. It can also explain detailed information and data on the corporate website, and prepare separate reports that directly meet the needs of different stakeholders. Fully Compliant  
9 Takes maximum care in terms of transparency and reliability. It objectively explains all kinds of developments about material issues in disclosures and reporting within the scope of the balanced approach. Fully Compliant  
10 Gives information about which of the United Nations (UN) 2030 Sustainable Development Goals its activities are related to. Fully Compliant  
11 Makes an explanation regarding the lawsuits filed and / or concluded against environmental, social and corporate governance issues. Partially Compliant Environmental or social issues are not directly relevant for the Holding's own activities, and there is no lawsuit filed in 2020 on this matter. However, no regular sharing is made for the lawsuits filed or concluded against Sabancı Holding.
A4. Verification    
12 If verified by independent third parties (independent sustainability assurance providers), it discloses its sustainability performance measurements to the public and endeavors to increase such verification processes. Partially Compliant It is carried out by some of the Group companies. Studies are carried out to ensure full harmonization throughout the Group.
13 Explains policies and practices, action plans, environmental management systems (known by the ISO 14001 standard) and programs in the field of environmental management. Partially Compliant Some of the Group companies are in compliance. Studies are carried out to ensure full harmonization throughout the Group.
14 Complies with environmental laws and other relevant regulations and explains them. Fully Compliant  
15 Explains the limitations of the environmental report to be included in the report to be prepared within the scope of the Sustainability Principles, reporting period, reporting date, data collection process and reporting conditions. Fully Compliant  
16 Describes the highest responsible person, relevant committees and responsibilities in the Company on the issues of environment and climate change. Fully Compliant  
17 Describes the incentives it offers for the management of environmental issues, including the achievement of objectives. Fully Compliant  
18 Explains how environmental problems are integrated into business goals and strategies. Fully Compliant  
19 Explains the sustainability performance of business processes or products and services and the activities to improve this performance. Fully Compliant  
20 Explains how it manages environmental issues along the Company’s value chain and integrates suppliers and customers into its strategies, not just in terms of direct operations. Partially Compliant Some of the Group companies are in compliance. Studies are carried out to ensure full harmonization throughout the Group.
21 Whether it is involved in policy-making processes on environmental issues (sectoral, regional, national and international); It explains the cooperation it has made with the associations, related organizations and non-governmental organizations it is a member of on the subject of environment, and the duties it has taken, if any, and the activities it supports. Fully Compliant  
22 Reports information on its impacs in a periodically comparable manner within the scope of environmental indicators (Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope-1 (Direct), Scope-2 (Energy indirect), Scope-3 (Other indirect)), air quality, energy management, water and wastewater management, waste management, biodiversity impacts)  Fully Compliant Some of the indicators (e.g. NOx) are irrelevant for some Holding and Group companies. Disclosures are made on other relevant matters.
23 Describes the standard, protocol, methodology and base year details used to collect and calculate its data. Fully Compliant  
24 Describes the status of environmental indicators for the reporting year (increase or decrease) in comparison with previous years. Fully Compliant  
25 Sets short and long-term goals to reduce their environmental impact and explains these goals. It is recommended that these goals be determined based on Science as suggested by the United Nations Conference of the Parties on Climate Change. If there is progress in the reporting year according to the targets set before, it provides information on the subject. Partially Compliant Sabancı Holding explains on its goals in environmental issues but has not yet used Science Based Targets as a common method.
26 Explains the strategy and actions to combat the climate crisis. Fully Compliant  
27 Describes the program or procedures to prevent or minimize the potential negative impact of the products and / or services it offers; explains the actions of third parties to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Partially Compliant Although there are steps towards this issue in Group companies, it is not described comprehensively in all Group companies. 
28 Explains the actions taken to reduce its environmental impacts, the total number of projects and initiatives carried out, and the environmental benefits / revenues and cost savings they provide. Partially Compliant Disclosed by some of the Group companies. Studies are carried out to ensure full harmonization throughout the Group.
29 Reports the total energy consumption data (excluding raw materials) and explains the energy consumption as Scope-1 and Scope-2. Fully Compliant  
30 Provides information on electricity, heat, steam and cooling generated and consumed in the reporting year. Partially Compliant Disclosed by some of the Group companies. Studies are carried out to ensure full harmonization throughout the Group.
31 Conducts studies on increasing the use of renewable energy, transition to zero or low carbon electricity and explains these studies. Partially Compliant Disclosed by some of the Group companies. Studies are carried out to ensure full harmonization throughout the Group.
32 Explains the renewable energy production and usage data. Partially Compliant Disclosed by some of the Group companies. Studies are carried out to ensure full harmonization throughout the Group.
33 Makes energy efficiency projects and explains the amount of energy consumption and emission reduction thanks to these studies. Fully Compliant  
34 Reports the amount of water withdrawn, used, recycled and discharged from underground or above ground, its sources and procedures (Total water withdrawal by source, water resources affected by water withdrawal; percentage and total volume of recycled and reused water, etc.). Partially Compliant Disclosed by some of the Group companies. Studies are carried out to ensure full harmonization throughout the Group.
35 Explains whether operations or activities are included in any carbon pricing system (Emission Trading System, Cap & Trade or Carbon Tax). Partially Compliant Disclosed by some of the Group companies. Studies are carried out to ensure full harmonization throughout the Group.
36 Describes the carbon credit information accumulated or purchased during the reporting period. Partially Compliant Disclosed by some of the Group companies. Studies are carried out to ensure full harmonization throughout the Group.
37 Explains the details if carbon pricing is applied within the Company. Fully Compliant  
38 Explains all mandatory and voluntary platforms where it discloses environmental information. Fully Compliant  
C1. Human Rights and Employee Rights    
39 Forms a Human Rights and Employee Rights Policy with a commitment to fully comply with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ILO Conventions which Türkiye has confirmed and the legal framework and regulations governing the operation of corporate life in Türkiye. Discloses the policy in question and the roles and responsibilities associated with its implementation. Partially Compliant Although the issue of Human Rights is subject to many policies and processes, it is not determined as a separate policy in all Group companies. In the section number 7 "Our Responsibilities Against Society and Humanity" of the Sabancı Holding Business Ethics Rules, the protection of human rights is emphasized.
40 Provides equal opportunity in recruitment processes. Considering the supply and value chain effects, it includes fair labor, improvement of labor standards, women's employment and inclusion issues (such as women, men, religious belief, language, race, ethnic origin, age, disability, refugee, etc.) in its policies. Fully Compliant  
41 Describes the measures taken along the value chain for the protection of groups sensitive to certain economic, environmental, social factors (low-income groups, women, etc.) or minority rights / equality of opportunity. Fully Compliant  
42 It reports developments regarding discrimination, inequality, human rights violations, forced labor, and corrective practices. Explains the regulations against child labor. Partially Compliant Disclosed by some of the Group companies. Studies are carried out to ensure full harmonization throughout the Group.
43 Explains policies regarding investment in employees (training, development policies), compensation, vested benefits, right to unionize, work / life balance solutions and talent management. Determines dispute resolution processes by creating mechanisms for employee complaints and dispute resolution. It regularly explains the activities carried out to ensure employee satisfaction. Fully Compliant  
44 It creates occupational health and safety policies and makes them public. Explains the precautions and accident statistics taken to prevent work accidents and health. Fully Compliant  
45 It creates and publicly discloses personal data protection and data security policies. Fully Compliant  
46 It creates an ethical policy (including work, work ethics, compliance processes, advertising and marketing ethics, open information, etc.) and discloses it to the public. Fully Compliant  
47 Explains the work within the scope of social investment, social responsibility, financial inclusion and access to finance. Fully Compliant  
48 Organizes information meetings and training programs for employees on ESG policies and practices. Fully Compliant  
C2. Stakeholders, International Standards and Initiatives    
49 It carries out its activities in the field of sustainability by taking into account the needs and priorities of all stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers and service providers, public institutions, shareholders, society and non-governmental organizations, etc.). Fully Compliant  
50 It regulates and publicly discloses a customer satisfaction policy regarding the management and resolution of customer complaints. Fully Compliant It is not relevant for the Holding. It is published for the relevant companies within the Group.
51 Conducts stakeholder communication continuously and transparently; It explains which stakeholders, for what purpose, on what issue and how often it communicated, and the developments in sustainability activities. Fully Compliant  
52 It publicly discloses the international reporting standards it has adopted (Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), Climate-Related Financial Disclosures Task Force (TCFD), etc.). Fully Compliant  
53 Discloses the international organizations or principles (Equator Principles, United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative (UNEP-FI), United Nations Global Principles (UNGC), United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) etc.) which it is a signatory or member of, and international principles adopted (International Capital Market Association (ICMA) Green / Sustainable Bond Principles). Fully Compliant  
54 It makes concrete efforts to be included in Borsa Istanbul Sustainability Index and international sustainability indices (Dow Jones Sustainability Index, FTSE4Good, MSCI ESG Indices, etc.). Fully Compliant  
55 It makes maximum effort to comply with all Corporate Governance principles as well as the mandatory Corporate Governance principles within the scope of the Capital Markets Board Corporate Governance Communiqué numbered II-17.1. Fully Compliant  
56 It takes into account the sustainability issue, the environmental impacts of its activities and the principles in this regard while determining its corporate management strategy. Fully Compliant  
57 As stated in the Corporate Governance Principles, it takes the necessary measures to comply with the principles regarding the stakeholders and to strengthen the communication with the stakeholders. It applies to the opinions of stakeholders in determining the measures and strategies in the field of sustainability. Fully Compliant  
58 It works on raising awareness on the issue of sustainability and its importance through social responsibility projects, awareness activities and trainings. Fully Compliant  
59 It strives to become a member of international standards and initiatives on sustainability and to contribute to studies. Fully Compliant  
60 Explains policies and programs for the fight against bribery and corruption and the principle of tax integrity. Partially Compliant There is an Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy. However, no separate policy is published regarding the principle of honesty in terms of tax. Although there is no written policy, Sabancı Holding considers it a social duty to fulfill the tax duty completely and timely according to the principle of honesty.
SirA Sira